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Nutrition and Allergy Coach

bridging the gap between food allergies and a healthy life

Food Allergy Coaching

One-On-One Food Allergy Services

Nutritional Cooking

Nutrition Coaching

I can coach you through your journey to good health.


"As a coach, I like to focus on the benefits of change, not the challenge in making it." -- Susan Freel





Susan Freel Headshot



At different stages in life, people, or those around them, reach turning points. Change is often difficult to look forward to, so life coaches guide people to view change as an improvement in their lives; a challenge instead of an obstacle, as a way to move forward. Susan believes strongly that the way to making effective change is to focus on the benefits of change, not the challenges of making the change.


Susan is a gifted listener and coach.  From our first session, she was able to help me focus on my priorities.  With her supportive coaching, I have overcome both the real and perceived barriers that had prevented me from setting and achieving personal goals. Though I am still reactive to stressful situations, I do feel like I have been able to achieve more control in certain areas of my life.  Susan has been instrumental in this shift to becoming more proactive regarding my fitness and health, as well as my career.

—  Sandi C., Rhode Island

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